Art of Yantra

Retreats and workshops on creating and using Yantra, Mantra and Mandala as tools for inner-focus and transformation.

Upcoming Events

Navarātri: Durgā Yantra & Maṇḍala,

3 online sessions, 3rd–12th Oct. 2024

Join us for an online celebration of Ashwin Navarātri with mantra chanting, yantra and maṇḍala drawing and painting.

Ashwin Navarātri is the most celebrated of the 9-day festivals, acknowledging the different forms of the Goddess, Durgā. These nine aspects of the goddess represent different expressions of nature and the spiritual path, manifesting in the form of her yantra.

This festival begins on October 3trd, and concludes on October 12th. There will be three separate sessions on 3rd, 7th and 12th Oct. in this sādhana.

SAVE THE DATE: Mantra and Yantra Retreat in Grempoli, Tuscany, 2025

As many of us eagerly anticipate our annual Mantra and Yantra Retreat at the beautiful Grempoli, we are excited to announce the dates for the next retreat.

Our next retreat will take place from

23rd to 30th August 2025.

We will share details about the theme soon. Mark your calendars, and we hope to see you even sooner at our upcoming online events!


Our Aim

Our aim is to offer the opportunity to explore the practice of mantra and yantra in an accessible, systematic and meaningful way. Through day, weekend and longer retreat courses we wish to create an environment where these ancient and powerful tools of transformation can be explored and experienced as part of one’s spiritual practice and personal development.

Mantra and Yantra are tools of Tantra. Tantra is the root of yoga, through their practice one can

heal and harmonise, integrating head, heart and hands; thought, feeling and expression.

The whole process of creating the yantra goes beyond one of simply drawing and painting a beautiful image, it is a process of worship. An open attitude is more important than ability and we have experienced on many occasions participants amazing themselves with what they are able to create, express and discover.

Fine Art Prints

The Yantras and Mandalas are not only beautiful images or patterns, but they are also meditation objects and powerful tools of self-enquiry and transformation. They appear as maps of consciousness – helping us to focus, expand our consciousness and activate our creative potential.

The pictures presented here have been painted in a gouache and watercolour technique, which requires a lengthy working process in which the paint is applied layer by layer to create the depth and the smoothness of the nuances and gradients. They are available as high quality art prints.