Mahamrityunjaya Yantra e Mantra Weekend
29 Luglio– 1 Agosto 2021
Mantra e Yantra sono strumenti del Tantra. Rappresentano il suono e la forma, coscienza ed energia e l’uso combinato di questi strumenti aiuta a focalizzare la mente ed espandere la consapevolezza.
Il simbolo creato diventa quindi un mezzo attraverso il quale è possibile approfondire la comprensione dei più sottili strati della mente e della personalita’e la nostra relazione con le espressioni di queste energie interiormente ed esteriormente.
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra e Yantra
Il fine settimana sara’ dedicato al Mahamriyunjaya mantra e yantra. Mahamryunjaya letteralmente significa ‘la grande vittoria sulla morte’, e’ una rappresentazione del Divino, Siva, ed e’ stato usato per migliaia di anni per protezione, guarigione e per alleviare sofferenza. Esploreremo la teoria e la pratica di mantra e yantra e combineremo questi aspetti della sadhana nel processo di disegno e pittura dello yantra.
Dove: Immerso nella bellissima campagna toscana, Grempoli è a 45 minuti dall’aeroporto di Firenze, e a 30 minuti dal centro di Firenze (facile corsa in autobus dall’aeroporto di Pisa).
Il ritiro e la consegna alle stazioni locali ecc è incluso e sarà organizzato.
L’arrivo è previsto per venerdì pomeriggio ore 17, lasciando il sabato a disposizione per esplorare le idee e i simboli, comprendendo i principi della geometria sacra, fondamento nella costruzione di yantra, e per sperimentare con colori e pittura. Conclusione domenica intorno alle ore 16.
E’ previsto un intero giorno di sadhana, inclusi yoga, meditazione, mantra e havan, in modo che la creazione dello yantra sia un processo di meditazione guidato.
Non è necessaria una abilità specifica nel disegno o esperienza di pittura. Vi invieremo via email lista del materiale da portare.
Costo: €190
Per esprimere il tuo interesse per il ritiro, compila il nostro modulo di contatto.
Mahamriyunjaya Mantra and Yantra Weekend 29 July – 1 August 2021
The retreat is led by Antarshuddhi (Nadeshda Stürzebecher), Vienna and Brahmananda (Narendra Bharwaney), London.
Mantra and Yantra are the tools of tantric practice. They represent sound and form, consciousness and energy. The combined use of these tools aims to focus the mind and to expand the awareness. The created symbol then becomes a vehicle through which we can deepen our understanding of the more subtle layers of the mind and personality and our relationship with the internal and external expression of these energies.
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and Yantra
We will dedicate this weekend retreat to the mantra and yantra of Mahamrityunjaya. A form of the deity, Siva and literally meaning, the ‘great victory over death’, mahamrityunjaya has been used for a few thousand years at least, for protection, healing and for the relief of suffering, both for ourselves and for others.
We will explore the symbols associated with Siva as well as the abstract forms through the practice of mantra and yantra.
Unique Content
The content of these retreats is unique and you will be guided through the different aspects of a process of self-exploration in which the daily practices are integrated in a holistic way. We will chant Mantras focused on Siva to build and focus the mental energies and to accompany the process of the drawing and painting of the Mahamrityunjaya Yantra.
These images can be drawn freehand but we will focus on a geometric construction using compass and straight edge, exploring the connections and parallels between cultures of what is sometimes called ‘sacred geometry’ and the archetypal ingredients of the Yantra, namely the square, the circle, the triangle and the lotus petals.
We will explore ‘philosophy in pictures’ as we see how these symbols resonate in the consciousness and how we can then use the created image as a powerful tool of meditation.
The Venue
This weekend retreat will offer time to go deep into your practice and immerse yourself in the peace and vibrancy of the Grempoli (Tuscany) venue and enjoying three healthy organic vegetarian meals all largely sourced from the garden. Other diets can be catered for.
No previous knowledge or experience of drawing and painting is necessary, but it would still be useful. A list of materials needed will be emailed after booking.
Maximum number of participants: 11
Language: English and Italian
Where: Nestled in the beautiful Tuscan countryside, Grempoli is 45 minutes from Florence airport, and 30 minutes from the center of Florence (easy bus ride from Pisa airport).
Collection and drop off to local stations etc is included and will be arranged.
Begin on Friday by 5 pm sharp. You are welcome to arrive any time beforehand.
Completion will be by 4pm Sunday.
Cost of retreat:
To express your interest for the retreat please, fill in our contact form.

If I had had an expectation, this course would have exceeded it all as it was truly wonderful, well planned out, exceptional teaching, thoroughly enjoyable while challenging and fully provoking. Thank you all so much.

The place is amazing, the food so wonderful, the retreat was very well constructed. Thank you for all your effort, help, kindness, wisdom and knoweldge. I am very happy I could be here. I enjoyed everything about the retreat – the food, the peole, the vibe, the classes, the programme. It helped me get in touch with normality and a slower, more meaningful pace of life.