Hanuman Retreat 2025 Booking Form

    To book, please fill in the form below and wait for confirmation.

    The Hanuman retreat is hosted by Grempoli Association. To participate in the activities of the Grempoli Association it is necessary to be a Member. Annual membership fee is €10, with validity from January to December.

    F/M (required)

    This information is treated strictly confidential. Grempoli Retreat informs that the processing of personal data provided by the applicant will be used exclusively for registration to the association, within the terms provided for by the legislation currently in force (Legislative Decree 196/03, “Code regarding the protection of personal data” and GDPR n, 2016/679). Any telephone numbers or e-mails, spontaneously provided by the applicant, can be used as a means of communication between the Members. For any changes to your data or to exercise the rights provided for by art. 12 of the GDPR, you can contact the Association.

    Grempoli Retreat Constitution

    Thank you for your time filling this form!

    A non-refundable deposit of € 100 is required for registration for seminars. The fee can be paid by bank transfer to:
    Grempoli Retreat
    IBAN: IT 20 M 01030 38040 000000491678
    Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena
    Branch: Rufina
    The deposit is non refundable and non transferable.