Ashwin Navarātri Online, 2024


Ashwin Navarātri with Mantra, Yantra and Maṇḍala

Live online session
03rd, 07th and 12th October 2024

The online session is led by Antarshuddhi, Vienna and Brahmananda, London.

Ashwin Navarātri – Nine Nights of Celebrating Śakti

Join us for an online celebration of Ashwin Navarātri with mantra chanting, yantra and maṇḍala drawing and painting.

Ashwin Navarātri is the most celebrated of the 9-day festivals, acknowledging the different forms of the Goddess, Durgā. These nine aspects of the goddess represent different expressions of nature and the spiritual path, manifesting in the form of her yantra.

Durgā was created through the combined energies of Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Śiva as great power was needed to slay the demon, Mahiṣa, in a 9-day battle. He is a symbol of negativity and darkness and was creating chaos in the universe. Durgā is invincible, she rides a lion, and carries weapons to deal with anything life shows us. She is a force of nature and is here to protect and to transform. She gives strength and great resolve.

The goddesses Lakṣmī and Sarasvatī are also celebrated during this time as forms of the Cosmic Śakti.

We will acknowledge this time with Durgā sādhana. We will draw the Durgā yantra, create a maṇḍala using the vedic square, and then paint. There will be a closing session on the 10th day.


Time and Details:

There will be three separate sessions in this sādhana. Due to the nature of the sādhana and the process, it will only be possible to participate if you can at least attend the first session.

Session 1: 03rd October, 7am – 10am (morning) CET. We will be chanting mantras and drawing the Durgā yantra.

Session 2: 07th October, 7pm – 10pm (evening) CET. We will be chanting mantras and creating a maṇḍala around the yantra based on the number 9.

Session 3: 12th October, 9am-10am (morning) CET. This will be a short closing session.

Please note, CET is Central European Time, please check where you are as to the local time.

The session will take place online on zoom. It will not be recorded.

No previous knowledge or experience of drawing and painting is necessary. A list of materials needed will be emailed after booking

Language: English

Cost of the sessions:

The sessions are by donation. As this is two long sessions of input, and one shorter, the suggested range is EUR 50 to EUR 80. We will send you payment details when we receive your booking. If the minimum amount is beyond your current means, then please give what is manageable for you.

Minimum participants:

We will requare 6 participants


Further information, the zoom-link and materials list will be sent in good time before the session once you have expressed your interest in taking part by contacting us via our contact form below.